The variability and specificity of the histone H1 among the Siberian species Elymus transbaicalensis, E. komarovii, E. sajanensis, E. kronokensis (Poaceae) and some morphologically deviating forms

  • A.V. Agafonov Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Email:
  • D.E. Nikonova (Gerus) Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS Email:
  • E.V. Shabanova (Kobozeva) National Research Tomsk State University Email:
Keywords: Elymus, histone H1, introgression, microevolution, morphology, Poaceae, protein electrophoresis


As the result of introgression and genetic recombination between the species a number of morphologically deviating forms arises in many mixed populations of the genus Elymus L. The study of electrophoretic variability in histone H1 among Siberian species Elymuskomarovii, E. transbaicalensis, E. kronokensisand E. sajanensis  to reveal microevolutionary levels of differentiation was carried out. It has been shown that the variation in E. komarovii was higher than in E. transbaicalensis in the Republic of Altai, and some biotypes E. komarovii were identical on this characteristic to the majority of biotypes of E. transbaicalensis. Morphologically deviating forms of E. transbaicalensiswith atypical for this species glabrate lemmas and approximating on this character to E. kronokensis are just one of the morphotypes of E. transbaicalensis. The biotypes of E. komarovii from the classic habitat in the Eastern Sayan were identical by histone H1 to some biotypes from the Altai Mountains, where the center of diversity for E. komarovii is situated presumably. E. sajanensis is the most variable in a composition of histone H1 subtypes in Siberia. This may be due to the fact that the species is formed by a number of isolated Alpine populations, some of which are derived from local biotypes of E. transbaicalensis. Some Siberian biotypes corresponding to E. sajanensis and E. kronokensis from close habitats had identical profiles of histone H1. This indirectly suggests that Siberian biotypes which are similar morphologically to Far Eastern biotypes of E. kronokensis are distant phylogenetically from the last, and probably need to be relegated to independent taxonomic rank.


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How to Cite
Agafonov A., Nikonova (Gerus) D., Shabanova (Kobozeva) E. The variability and specificity of the histone H1 among the Siberian species Elymus transbaicalensis, E. komarovii, E. sajanensis, E. kronokensis (Poaceae) and some morphologically deviating forms // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 5-18 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.1.1. URL:
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