On the sectional affiliation of Corydalis gorinensis, Corydalis gorodkovii, and Corydalis magadanica growing in the Far East

UDC 581.95(571.54)

Keywords: Corydalis arctica, Corydalis gorinensis, Corydalis gorodkovii, Corydalis magadanica, genetic analysis, ISSR-PCR-analysis, matK, phylogeny, rbcL, rpoB-trnC, trnL-trnF


This article is devoted to determining the sectional identity of tuberous CorydalisCorydalis magadanica, C. gorinensis, C. gorodkovii, growing in the Russian Far East, using ISSR-PCR and chloroplast markers. Corydalis is one of the largest plant genera. Scientists do not have a consensus on the sectional affiliation of some Corydalis species, which is due to the high variability of vegetative and generative organs. Relationship studies based on the analysis of genetic markers of these species have not been conducted. ISSR-analysis showed that the level of genetic diversity in the populations of the Far Eastern Corydalis and the Siberian species C. bracteata varies from 36.94 to 57.66 % and has minimal values in the isolated population of the rare species C. gorinensis. The studied populations are characterized by a high level of genetic differentiation (Gst = 0,5462) and reliably belong to different species. On the UPGMA-dendrogram, individuals of these species form clearly distinct groups. Genetic similarity is observed between C. magadanica and C. gorinensis. Sequence analysis using chloroplast molecular markers matK, rbcL, as well as the intergenic spacer trnL-trnF showed no differences between C. gorinensis, C. gorodkovii and C. magadanica, which indicates their relative origin. The rpoB-trnC marker was more informative and revealed a single mutation and a 6‑nucleotide deletion in C. gorinensis. The topology of the phylogenetic trees was identical for individual markers. The Far Eastern species are included in the Corydalis section, most closely uniting with the European species: Corydalis intermedia, Corydalis solida and the Siberian species C. bracteata. The morphological characteristics of the Far Eastern species also correspond to the description of the species of the Corydalis section given in the «Flora of China». The DNA sequence indicates that Corydalis arctica belongs to the Dactylotuber section.


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How to Cite
Ryabova K. K., Yamskikh I. Y., Khoreva M. G., Shcheglova I. P., Mochalova O. A., Kutsev M. G. On the sectional affiliation of Corydalis gorinensis, Corydalis gorodkovii, and Corydalis magadanica growing in the Far East // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 3. P. 15-24 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.3.2. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/16083.
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