New findings in the flora of Mongolia. Part 3

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Keywords: Altai, Central Asia, Delphinium, endemics, floristic findings, Khangai, Potentilla


New data on the distribution of 39 species from the genera Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) and Potentilla (Rosaceae) in Mongolia are presented. For the first time, Delphinium buerjinense, Potentilla approximata, P. penniphylla and P. tuvinicaare indicated for the flora of the country. 12 species previously known in the flora of Mongolia are new for its separate phytogeographical regions. Of these, 5 taxa were discovered for the first time in the Khubsugul region, 3 species each in the Gobi-Altai and Mongolian-Altai regions, 2 in the East Mongolian region, 1 each in the Khangai, Khentei, Dzungarian Gobi, Middle Khalka and Mongolian-Daurian regions. New locations were registered for 27 taxa. These include rare, endemic and subendemic species of the study region, including P. × chamaeleo, P. gracillima, P. × habievii, P. hubsugulica, P. ozjorensis, P. × rhipidophylla, P. schmakovii, P. stepposa, P. tericholica and P. tytthantha. The findings are divided into three groups in the article. Comments are provided for each species. The diversity of phenotypes of P. agrimonioides and P. malacotricha is demonstrated based on herbarium material collected in Mongolia.


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How to Cite
KechaykinA. А., Pankratov S. Y., Grabovskaya-Borodina A. E., Baasanmunkh S., Shmakov A. I. New findings in the flora of Mongolia. Part 3 // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 13-27 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.2. URL:
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