
The “Turczaninowia” scientific journal of Altai State University was awarded the “Q3” category


According to the results of the SciVal assessment of scientific journals, which determines bibliometric indicators reflecting the level of citations and, therefore, the demand for the journal by the scientific community, the scientific botanical journal was assigned the category “Q3”.

Read more about The “Turczaninowia” scientific journal of Altai State University was awarded the “Q3” category

ISSN 1560-7259 Print, ISSN 1560-7267 Online

Botanical Journal “Turczaninowia” was founded in 1998 with a periodicity of four issues per year.

“Turczaninowia” is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection (Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, ESCI), Scopus, eLIBRARY (RSCI), BASE, WorldCat, Agris, Agricola, DOAJ.

“Turczaninowia” journal publishes original research articles and reviews in Russian or in English devoted to the taxonomy and phylogeny of plants, studying phytodiversity, florogenetics, anatomy, and morphology of plants. The journal also has the following sections:

  • Systematic reviews and new taxa;
  • Phylogenetics and chromosome numbers;
  • History of flora;
  • Criticism and Bibliography;
  • Research methods;
  • Geobotany and vegetation;
  • Biotechnology;
  • Anatomy and morphology;
  • Personality;
  • Communications.

The journal is intended for a wide range of scientists and specialists: botanists, ecologists, resource researchers, biogeocenologists Received articles are subject to mandatory review, and then the editorial board makes a decision on the possibility of their publication in the journal. The decision to publish the article is taken by the editorial board of the journal based on scientific merit and relevance of the submissions.

During the existence of the journal it became known among specialists in Russian botanists, as well as near and far abroad. The journal is well respected in the Russian-speaking academic environment and demand from foreign colleagues. Since 2009, the journal is included in the list of scientific publications, recommended HAC RF.

Editorial Board of the journal "Turczaninowia" includes experts from Russia, Germany, Belgium, Japan, Britain, China. The authors of the articles are currently from the following countries: Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and others. Editorial board intends to attract in cooperation more authors from China, Europe, America and CIS countries.

To date, quarterly about 200 copies of "Turczaninowia" are sent abroad.

Current Issue

Vol 28 No 1 (2025): Turczaninowia
Published: 2025-03-27

Science articles

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