The hybrid origin of Dianthus × courtoisii (Caryophyllaceae Juss.) is proved

  • A. L. Ebel Tomsk State University Email:
  • M. S. Kniazev Botanical Garden, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • E. G. Philippov Botanical Garden, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: аllozyme analysis, Dianthus barbatus, Dianthus × courtoisii, Dianthus superbus, hybrid


Information about findings of Dianthus × courtoisii on the territory of Russia is compiled in the article. Comparison of D. × courtoisii with a probable parent species D. superbus L. and D. barbatus L. using allozyme analysis was executed. We tested 12 enzyme systems and chose seven systems with clear interpretation for further study: 6-PGD (EC – 6-Phosphogluconic-dehydrohydrogenese, PGI (EC – phosphoglucoisomerase, PGM (EC – phosphoglucomutase, DIA (EC – diaphorase, GOT (EC – glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, FDH (EC – formiatdehydrogenase, SkDH (EC shikimate 5 – dehydrogenase. Among 7 selected enzyme systems six have one zone of enzymatic activity and one – PGM – has two zones. Thus, eight allozyme loci were used 24 alleles (2-4 per locus, on average) four loci (PGM-2, DIA, 6-PGD, PGI) clearly diagnose D. superbus and D. barbatus. In the loci PGM-2 and DIA D. superbus and D. barbatus do not have common alleles and loci 6-PGD and PGI only single common alleles were found. All plants of D. × courtoisii, collected in Western Siberia in the vicinity of Tomsk, were heterozygous by PGM-2, DIA,6-PGD and loci and contain one of species-specific alleles of D. superbus and one of D. barbatus. Thus, D. ×courtoisii corresponds to primary hybrids (F1) D. superbus ×D. barbatus. Data obtained with other enzymes systems (table) also does not contradict the identification of D. × courtoisii as the hybrids (F1) of D. superbus and D. barbatus. The reason for the sudden appearance of D. × courtoisii in many places on the territory of Russia at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, in our opinion, is connected with abrupt increase in the number of garden plots in 1980–1990, outside populated areas, among the little disturbed natural communities. Starting from this period, there was a principal possibility of hybridization between the popular garden plant D. barbatus and the local species D. superbus in the forest zone of European Russia and Western Siberia. Herbarium specimens of this nothospecies collected by different collectors from 1912 to 2016 (European Russia – Kostroma Oblast and Yaroslavl Oblast, and Western Siberia – Tomsk Region) are cited.


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How to Cite
Ebel A. L., Kniazev M. S., Philippov E. G. The hybrid origin of Dianthus × courtoisii (Caryophyllaceae Juss.) is proved // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 4. P. 198-205. URL:
Floristic findings