A record of Potamogeton sarmaticus Mäemets (Potamogetonaceae) in Tyumen region

  • O. A. Kapitonova Tobolsk complex scientific station of UB RAS Email: kapoa.tkns@gmail.com
Keywords: brackish water bodies, floristic records, macrophyte, pondweed, Red Data Book


Materials on the discovery a rare species of pondweed – Potamogeton sarmaticus Mäemets (Potamogetonaceae) in the Ishim district of Tyumen region are presented. The area of P. sarmaticus covers mainly steppe and forest-steppe regions of Eastern Europe and Kazakhstan; isolated findings are known from Western Siberia –Kemerovo region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. In Kemerovo region, this species is presumably introduced. Thus, the described finding is the third one within the Russian part of Siberia and the first one – on the territory of the Tyumen region. P. sarmaticus is found in a natural fresh water in the floodplain of Ishim River within the forest-steppe natural zone. The species in the place of find was presented of a numerous population with flowering and fruit-bearing shoots. In the described macrophyte community P. sarmaticus was the dominant species with a projective coverage of at least 75 % in the Utricularieto vulgaris–Potamogetonetum sarmatici association. The morphological features of this species that distinguish it from similar species of pondweed (Potamogeton lucens L., P. gramineus L., P. coriaceus (Nolte) Fryer, and P. × angustifolius J. Presl) are given. P. sarmaticus is characterized by a low occurrence within the entire species area, a narrow ecological association with small brackish water reservoirs, and low resistance to anthropogenic transformations in steppe and forest-steppe landscapes. Therefore, this species is listed in the Red Data Book of several subjects of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, with the categories of rarity from 0 to 4. P. sarmaticus is included in the check-list of species to inclusion in the next edition of the Red Data Book of the Tyumen region with the category of rarity 4.


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How to Cite
Kapitonova O. A. A record of Potamogeton sarmaticus Mäemets (Potamogetonaceae) in Tyumen region // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 4. P. 51-58. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/3458.
Floristic findings