Spore morphology of subgenus Cystopteris species (Cystopteris Bernh., Cystopteridaceae)

  • D.O. Ulko Tomsk State University Email: ulko.den@gmail.com
  • I.I. Gureyeva Tomsk State University Email: gureyeva@yandex.ru
  • A.I. Shmakov South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Altai State University Email: alex_shmakov@mail.ru
  • R.S. Romanets Tomsk State University Email: gureyeva@yandex.ru
Keywords: Cystopteris, Cystopteridaceae, perispore, spore size, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)


The ultrastructure of the spore surface of 6 species Cystopteris Bernh. subgenus Cystopteris (Cystopteridaceae): C. almaatensis Kotukhov, C. altajensis Gureeva, C. dickieana R. Sim, C. fragilis (L.) Bernh. C. gureevae Stepanov, C. protrusa (Weatherby) Blasdell was investigated by using of scanning electron microscopy. On the basis of differences in sculpture 2 types of perispore were distinguished: large-spiny persipore (C. altajensis, C. gureevae, C. fragilis, C. protrusa) and rugose perispore (C. almaatensis and C. dickieana). Large-spiny perispore is characterized by high, more or less sparse, hollow, conical-shaped spines, sometimes with curved tops of 1.5–7.7 µm in height. Rugose perispore is represented by quite wide, short, hollow, sinuous folds 6–5,9 µm in height that densely covered with verrucae (warts). Size of spores varies within 21.1–61.3 × 21.1–45.1 µm. Spores of C. protrusa are characterized by minimum size (38.3 ± 7.8 × 26.7 ± 7.8 µm), but the longest spines (5.0 ± 0.8 µm). Maximum size of spores (52.1 ± 4.4 × 33.8 ± 3.4 µm) and the shortest spines (3.8 ± 0.9 µm) were shown for C. gureevae.



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How to Cite
Ulko D., Gureyeva I., Shmakov A., Romanets R. Spore morphology of subgenus Cystopteris species (Cystopteris Bernh., Cystopteridaceae) // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 2. P. 5-15. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/2421.
Anatomy and morphology

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