Hawksweeds of the Putorana Plateau

Keywords: floristic finding, new locations, Putorana Plateau


An overview of all hawkweeds (Hieracium L.) recorded on the Putorana Mountains is given. The list of floristic findings of the territory of the Plateau includes 3 new species (Hieracium czamyjashense Tupitz., Hpseudarctophilum Schljakov., H. pseudofariniramum Tupitz.). New localities are also given for the endemic species H. putoranicum Tupitz. and the rare species H. subfariniramum (Ganesch et. Zahn) Ȕksip ex Tupitz.. The coordinates of collection sites, dates of collection, habitats nature, area type and an ecological-cenotic confinedness are given for each species. The nomenclature is reviewed. Field studies were carried out in 2018 in the western part of the Putorana Mountains, on the western coast of Lake Sobachye (Yt-Kyuyol) near the mouth of the Nakhta River; in 2019 in the western part of the Putorana Mountains, in the vicinity of Talnakh Town, at the Red Rocks Natural Sanctuary of regional significance; in 2020 in the south-west of the Putorana Mountains, in the vicinity of the middle part of Lake Kutaramakan (mouth of the Irkingda River) on the territory of the Putoransky Nature Reserve and its protective zone. Moreover, the herbarium specimen of H. umbellatum L. from the vicinity of Snezhnogorsk Town is published.


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How to Cite
Tupitsyna N., Pospelov I. N. Hawksweeds of the Putorana Plateau // Turczaninowia, 2021. Vol. 24, № 1. P. 58-62 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.24.1.7. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/9381.
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