Structural features of vegetative organs of some species of the genus Iris L. growing in Uzbekistan

  • Nargiza K. Rakhimova Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
  • Gulzhan M. Duschanova Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
  • A.T. Abdullaeva Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Email:
Keywords: anatomy, conductive bundles, mesophyll sheet, Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan, sections Hexapogon, Iris, Juno, Limniris


The morpho-anatomical structure of vegetative organs of ten species belonging to four sections and three subgenus of the genus Iris L. was first studied: I. alberti Regel – from the section Iris (subgenus Iris), I. korolkowii Regel and I. stolonifera Maxim. – from the section Hexapogon (Bunge) Baker (subgenus Iris), I. halophila var. sogdiana (Bunge) Grubov – from the section Limniris Tausch (subgenus Limniris (Tausch) Spach), I. orchioides Carriere, I. vicaria (Vved.) T. Hall et Seisums, I. warleyensis Foster, I. magnifica Vved., I. svetlanae (Vved.) T. Hall et Seisums, I. maracandica (Vved.) Wendelbo – from the section Juno (Tratt.) Maxim. (subgenus Scorpiris Spach). The studied species are endemic to Central Asia, particularly Uzbekistan. Iris orchioides, I. magnifica and I. svetlanae are listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Rakhimova, 2019). In the study of the structure of vegetative organs we identified characteristic diagnostic features for each section: for the section Iris – the dorsiventral type of leaf mesophyll, the vascular bundles located on the periphery on the lower side of the leaf; for the section Hexapogon – the isolateral-spongy type of leaf mesophyll, vascular bundles located on the periphery on both sides of the leaf and more sclerified due to collenchymal cells; for the section Limniris – isolateral-palisade type of leaf mesophyll, vascular bundles located on the periphery on both sides of the leaf and more sclerified due to sclerenchymal cells; for the section Juno – spongy type of leaf mesophyll, stomata on the abaxial side and their absence on the adaxial side; the main and lateral vascular bundles located in the central part of the leaf mesophyll and more sclerified due to collenchymal cells. The identified structural features of the vegetative organs confirm the independence of these sections of the genus Iris. Similar features for all species of the genus Iris are the parenchymal-sheath type of leaf’s vagina and stem; primary bark sclerenchyma separated from the central cylinder; closed, collateral vascular bundles. The following mesomorphic signs were also revealed: Thin-walled, large, epidermal cells, few and large spongy, water-bearing and parenchymal cells; not numerous, not immersed stomata; large and few vessels in vascular bundles. A different combination of xeromorphic and mesomorphic signs of the vegetative organs of the studied species of the genus Iris was also revealed. Xeromorphic characters are most expressed in I. halophila var. sogdiana, mesomorphic characters are most expressed in I. vicaria. In other studied species, a different ratio of xeromorphic and mesomorphic characters is observed. The identified structural features of the vegetative organs are species specific, and can be used to solve problems in taxonomy of the genus Iris


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How to Cite
Rakhimova N. K., Duschanova G. M., Abdullaeva A. Structural features of vegetative organs of some species of the genus Iris L. growing in Uzbekistan // Turczaninowia, 2020. Vol. 23, № 3. P. 118-146 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.23.3.13. URL:
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