Molecular genetic studies of the natural self-renewal of Pinus sylvestris L. populations on the example of the East European Plain and the southern outskirts of the Ural mountain country

  • Maria V. Rjabuchina Federal Scientific center of Biological systems and agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Railya G. Kalyakina Orenburg state agrarian University Email:
  • Nikolay V. Friesen University of Osnabrueck Email:
Keywords: ISSR-analysis, natural forest restoration, polymorphic locus, relic forest stand, Scots pine, undergrowth


Using the method of ISSR analysis, the genetic affiliation of Pinus sylvestris L. undergrowth was studied in relic island forests that occupy a borderline position with P. sylvestris cultivated plants. The study found that the island burs of the Buzuluk, Buguruslan and Adamovsky districts of the Orenburg Region are characterized by a high level of genetic diversity. According to the analysis of the main components of the sample of relic pines and undergrowth, they are divided into 2 groups, one of which (group A) is present in all the studied areas, the other (group B) – only in the Adamovsky district. Group A is characterized by high genetic diversity and consists of three genetic clusters. The isolated position of the sampling of the Adamovsky district and the overlapping position of the populations of the Buzuluk and Buguruslan districts are presumably due to the difference in botanical and geographical zones and soil and environmental conditions. Cluster analysis (UPGMA), based on the degree of similarity of populations by ISSR-marker characteristics, as well as determination of genetic distance using the Mega 7.0 program, revealed that in the Buzuluk and Buguruslan districts the undergrowth is genetically close to relic forest stands. Presumably, there is no cross-pollination of the relic stand with the cultivated one due to the mismatch in the phenological dates of pine dusting. As a result of the study of the sequence of individual DNA fragments, phylogenetic relationships were not established between the undergrowth and relic forest stand in the Adamovsky district.


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How to Cite
Rjabuchina M. V., Kalyakina R. G., Friesen N. V. Molecular genetic studies of the natural self-renewal of Pinus sylvestris L. populations on the example of the East European Plain and the southern outskirts of the Ural mountain country // Turczaninowia, 2020. Vol. 23, № 1. P. 116-125 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.23.1.12. URL:
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