• E. V. Boyko Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (PIBOC FEB RAS), Vladivostok, Russia Email:


The sculpture of the surface of cypselae (scanning electron microscopy) of 371 species of 168 genera, 21 tribes, five subfamilies of the family Asteraceae was investigated. 75 species of 45 genera belonging to 8 tribes and the species Symphyllocarpus exilis with uncertain taxonomic position, papillae were detected. Papillae of diverse structure have been revealed on the surface of the cypselae of the majority of Cichorieae species. Only in species of this tribe papillae form crests (genera of subtribe Hypochaeridinae) and on the surface of exocarp of many species are rounded smooth granules epicuticular wax, missing in species of other tribes. On the cypselae surface of species of the tribes Anthemideae, Astereae, Athroismeae, Calenduleae, Gnaphalieae, Heliantheae, and Senecioneae, papillae are present only in some species. Papillae were not found in the investigated species of the tribes Barnadesieae, Mutisieae, Cynareae, Vernonieae, Arctotideae, Inuleae, Helenieae, Coreopsideae, Tageteae, Madieae, Millerieae, Eupatorieae. Length and shape of papillae, their location on cypselae surface vary greatly between species and can be used as taxonomic characters


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How to Cite
Boyko E. V. PAPILLAE ON THE SURFACE OF THE SEEDS OF SPECIES OF ASTERACEAE // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 16, № 3. P. 86–95 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.16.3.15. URL:
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