Comparative study of underground organs of Kamelinia tianschanica and Korshinskya olgae (Apiaceae)

  • Dilovar T. Khamrayeva Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic Email:
Keywords: anatomy, life forms, phloem, rhizome, root, stem


The morphological and anatomical structure of the subsurface and root spheres was studied in Kamelinia tianschanica and Korshinskya olgae, differing in life form and ecology of habitat.

For the species Kamelinia tianschanica, the following diagnostic features of the underground organs were identified: the secondary homorhizous type of the root system, the presence of a vertical epigeogenic short rhizome with numerous adventitious roots and the formation of renewal shoots from resting rhizome buds. The adventitious roots are divided into three distinct zones: narrow basal (in the area of the rootstock), cylindrically thickened and thin elongated distal parts.

The species of Korshinskya olgae is characterized by a core type (allorhizous) of the root system, with a shortened main root and lateral roots, differentiated into a conically thickened basal and thin elongated distal part. In life form, the species Korshinskya olgae belongs to the monocarpic, but in our studies individuals with the presence of renewal buds were found at the base of the monocarpic shoot, which is characterized the plasticity of the species.

The rhizome of Kamelinia tianschanica is characterized by a polycentric structure of grouped vascular bundle with poor sclerification. For adventitious roots of Kamelinia tianschanica and the main and lateral roots of Korshinskya olgae, the diarch structure is determined, with parenchymatization of the main tissues and an abundance of starch grains, with the presence of aerial cavities and discontinuities associated with the phenomenon of contractility.

The results of the study showed that the underground organs for each species were formed with their adaptation to certain ecological conditions.


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How to Cite
Khamrayeva D. T. Comparative study of underground organs of Kamelinia tianschanica and Korshinskya olgae (Apiaceae) // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 57-69 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.4.7. URL:
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