Morphological and anatomical structure of the cypselas of Alfredia (Asteraceae: Cardueae)

  • Elena V. Novozhilova G. B. Elyаkov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch Email:
  • Elvira V. Boyko G. B. Elyаkov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch Email:
Keywords: Alfredia, anatomy, Asteraceae, cypselas, morphology, SEM, surface ultrastructure, systematics


This paper is a continuation of a series of our studies on the morphological and anatomical structure of the Asteraceae cypselas. The paper presents the results of a study on morphological and anatomical structure of the cypselas of the species of Alfredia cernua (L.) Cass., A. fetissowii Iljin, A. acantholepis Kar. et Kir. and A. nivea Kar. et Kir. using the methods of light and scanning microscopy. Carpological examination of the cypselas revealed diagnostic morphological and anatomical features of the species of the genus Alfredia: form of cypselas (elliptical, elongated elliptical or ovoid), pericarp surface sculpture (smooth, with thin sparse ribs), lack of a crown on top of cypselas, poorly differentiated carpopodium, the ratio of the thickness of the pericarp and exotesta (exostesta is greater than the thickness of the pericarp), the number of rows (2–6) and the character of the thickening of the walls (spiral) of mesocarp cells, the presence of a palisade row of exotesta cells, topography of exotesta cells in a longitudinal section: shape (oblique parallelepiped), the coefficient of palisade of exotesta cells (the ratio of the length of the radial to the length of the tangent walls). A comparative analysis of the morphological and anatomical features of the cypselas of representatives of Alfredia and Synurus deltoides was carried out on the basis of the data obtained now and the previously published results (Boyko et al., 2017). The main differences in the structure of the cypsela of two genera are revealed: the structure of the apical part of the cypselas; cross-sectional shape; structure of carpopodium, the ratio of the thickness of the pericarp and exotesta (the cypselas of S. deltoides are characterized by a thick pericarp, which is 10–20 times the thickness of the exotesta; in species of Alfredia exоtesta is thicker than pericarp); the presence in Alfredia and the absence in the Synurus deltoides of the palisade row of exotesta cells; structure and topography of exotesta cells. The results of carpological studies indicate that Alfredia and Synurus cypselas have a fundamentally different structure, which confirms the independence of these genera.


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How to Cite
Novozhilova E. V., Boyko E. V. Morphological and anatomical structure of the cypselas of Alfredia (Asteraceae: Cardueae) // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 42-56 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.4.6. URL:
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