Phenolic compounds in taxonomy of the genus Spiraea L.

  • E. A. Karpova Central Siberian botanical garden of Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Email:
  • N. P. Lapteva Central Siberian botanical garden of Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Email:


The composition and contents of phenolic acids and flavonoids aglycones in the hydrolyzed extracts of leaves of S. salicifolia L., S. humilis Pojark., S. humilis × S. sp., S. douglasii Hook., S. × billardii Herincq. (S. duglasii × S. salicifolia L.), S. betulifolia Pall., S. japonica L. f., S. japonica ‘Macrophylla’, S. albiflora (Miq.) Zab., S. media Fr. Schmidt, S. sericea Turcz., S. flexuosa Fisch. ex Cambess., S. ussuriensis Pojark., S. elegans Pojark., S. chamaedryfolia L., S. × schinabeckii Zab. (S. chamaedryfolia × S. trilobata L.), S. crenata L., S. nipponica Maxim., S. hypericifolia L., S. trilobata, S. × vanhouttei (Briot) Zab. (S. cantoniensis Lour. × S. trilobata) from natural and introduced populations were studied by HPLC. The total phenolic content of samples ranged from 3 to 7% of dry weight, flavonoids content was 1–2%. The representatives of the subgenus Protospiraea are characterized a relatively uniform phenolic composition combining phenolic acids and flavonoids, from 50% to 90% of the latter is quercetin. The rest of the flavonoids is kaempferol, in some species there are kaempferol and isorhamnetin. The baseline and the most primitive species of the subgenus Metaspiraea on phenolic composition are S. media and S. flexuosa as the most similar to the species of the subgenus Protospiraea. Spiraea ussuriensis, S. elegans, S. trilobata, S. crenata seem as the most highly evolved species, these contain aglycone AII or cinnamic acid. The ratio of quercetin, kaempferol and cinnamic acid is considered as the main marker of natural groups within the subgenus Metaspiraea. Four types of phenolic composition in the samples of S. chamaedryfolia, S. ussuriensis, S. flexuosa and S. elegans are revealed: the composition with the dominance of quercetin (S. ussuriensis), kaempferol (S. elegans), cinnamic acid (S. chamaedryfolia) and without obvious dominance (S. flexuosa). This is the reason to consider all four taxa as independent species. Significant differences in the phenolic composition of S. humilis and S. salicifolia were found to give consideration to S. humilis as separate species. Any characters of unique for S. sericea is not found. Any characters of the section Glomerati separating the S. hypericifolia from other studied species of the subgenus Metaspiraea is not revealed. In S. nipponica, the characters of the section Chamaedryon are found.


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How to Cite
Karpova E. A., Lapteva N. P. Phenolic compounds in taxonomy of the genus Spiraea L. // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 42–56 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.1.5. URL:
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