A new species for Mongolia and new records of vascular plants from Dzungarian Gobi

  • Sh. Baasanmunkh Changwon National University Email: hjchoi1975@changwon.ac.kr
  • B. Oyuntsetseg National University of Mongolia Email: oyunaa@num.edu.mn
  • G.A. Lazkov Institute of Biology, National Academy of Science Email: glazkov1963@mail.ru
  • G.Y. Chung Andong National University Email: gychung@andong.ac.kr
  • H.J. Choi Changwon National University Email: baasanmunkh.sh@gmail.com
Keywords: Cortusa matthioli subsp. altaica, distribution, Mongolian flora, phytogeographical regions, Polygonatum odoratum,Pyrola rotundifolia, Ranunculus turczaninovii, Rubus saxatilis, Silene alexandrae


A record of Silene alexandrae B. Keller converts it to a new species for Mongolia. S. alexandrae was found on the Khavtag Mountain ranges in Dzungarian Gobi region. Data about previous records of this species in Mongolia are discussed and rejected. Characters distinguishing Silene alexandrae from close species S. altaica Pers. are given. We noted also new distribution points of fve taxa: Cortusa matthioli L. subsp. altaica (Losinsk.) Korobkov, Ranunculus turczaninovii (Luferov) Vorosch., Rubus saxatilis L., Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce and Pyrola rotundifolia L. – in Dzungarian Gobi region of Mongolia.


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How to Cite
Baasanmunkh S., Oyuntsetseg B., Lazkov G., Chung G., Choi H. A new species for Mongolia and new records of vascular plants from Dzungarian Gobi // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 132-136 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.1.12. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/5342.
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