Anatomical structure of leaf blade in some species of Comarum, Dasiphora and Potentilla (Rosaceae) occuring in the Priamurye

  • T.N. Motorykina Institute of Water and Ecology problems, Far Eastern Branch Email:
Keywords: anticlinal walls; dorsiventral structure of leaf blade; epidermis; palisade tissue; spongy tissue; type of leaf; type of stomata


The structure of leaf blades was studied in nine species of the genus Potentilla s. l., as well as in two species representing the genera Comarum L. and Dasiphora Rafin., close to Potentilla collected in the Priamurye. In all studied species they are fairly monotonous in structure and have a dorsiventral mesophyll. Most species have hypostomata leaves. P. paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. et Gray has an amphistomatic leaf type. Anomocyte type of stomata was revealed in all studied species. Differences in the structure of leaf blades in the species are expressed mainly in the size and shape of the cells of the upper and lower epidermis (the shape of the anticlinal walls of the cells of the upper and lower epidermis), in the leaflet. The cells of the upper epidermis are larger than the cells of the lower epidermis, mostly with straight, sometimes tortuous or strongly tortuous anticlinal walls. Cells of the lower epidermis with weakly sinuous, sinuous and strongly tortuous anticlinal walls. Leaves on the upper side of the leaf in most species are covered with simple covering hairs, rarely there is no pubescence. On the underside, the leaves are mostly covered with simple hairs covering them, and glandular ones are also found. Leaf scarring with glandular and covering hairs,with the exception of P. sawiczii Schischk. et Kom., in conjunction with the shape of the leaf blade, is a sectional feature to delineate sections of one subgenus Hypargyrium. The sign of absence of pronounced protrusion from the underside of the leaf that forms the central vein in the representatives of the subgenus Schistophyllidium (P. bifurca L., P. semiglabra Juz.), could be successfully used in the taxonomy of the genus Potentilla at subgenus level. 


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How to Cite
Motorykina T. Anatomical structure of leaf blade in some species of Comarum, Dasiphora and Potentilla (Rosaceae) occuring in the Priamurye // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 4. P. 135-144 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.21.4.13. URL:
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