Anatomical and morphological adaptations of homosporous fern Crepidomanes latealatum (Hymenophyllaceae) to specific environmental conditions

  • N.M. Derzhavina Email:
Keywords: adaptations, environment conditions, epiphyte, petrophyte, poikilohydricity, protostele


In the course of the study, adaptations of the homosporous fern Crepidomanes latealatum (Bosch) Copel. to the petrophytic and epiphytic mode of life at the organismic and cell-tissue levels were revealed. These are the following: long rhizomatous creeping biomorphs growing both on flat surfaces of stones and on the bases of trunks with a small amount of humus applied to them; openwork and evergreen fronds, providing the maximum surface of contact with the environment and allowing photosynthesis year-round in conditions of extremely shaded microbiotopes; multifunctional trichomes, which are a protective device, preventing excessive evaporation, contributing to the absorption and retention of moisture and consolidation of the plant in the soil; the ability to flow into cryptobiosis and dwelling in moss sinuses for solving the problem of dehydration for a short period in the conditions of extreme hydration of the environment; reduction of mesophyll to one layer, as well as the apostrophic and epistrophic position of chloroplasts for effectively absorbing light of low intensity. The low intensity of photosynthesis under shading conditions is compensated by the equally low intensity of respiration, resulting in a positive balance of photosynthesis, allowing the fern to accumulate biomass. In the course of adaptationgenesis Crepidomanes latealatum was able to rise to a high level of morphological and ecological specialization. As a result of the reduction, structures were formed to compensate for poor lighting and increased hydration, there was a blurring of the boundaries between the organs and their transformation into new structures with the change of functions. The tactics of drought avoidance was effective because this fern is quite rare in seasonal climate azonal habitats in the moss synusia – rocks and stones near water sources, specific microniches on the butt of the trunks and etc. In conditions of water stress it is able to fall into cryptobiosis and to restore hydrature of cells under favorable conditions.


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How to Cite
Derzhavina N. Anatomical and morphological adaptations of homosporous fern Crepidomanes latealatum (Hymenophyllaceae) to specific environmental conditions // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 55-62. URL:
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