Addition to the flora of charophytes and xanthophytes (Charales, Vaucheriales) of the Chelyabinsk Region (South Ural, Russia)

  • E. I. Veisberg Ilmen State Reserve Email:
  • N.A. Isakova Ilmen State Reserve Email:
Keywords: Chara, charophytes, Chelyabinsk Region, flora, Nitella, Vaucheria, xanthophytes


The article contains the data on findings of charophytes and xanthophytes in the Chelyabinsk Region (South Ural, Russia). The material was collected in 2009–2016 years. Studied water reservoirs of different types are situated in forest and forest-steppe botanical-geographical zones. Two species (Nitella flexilis and Chara inconnexa) and one form (Chara aspera f. subinermis) were found in this territory for the first time. The presence of two species (Nitella hyalina and Chara kirghisorum) was confirmed by their new localities. Information on general distribution, locations and habitats characteristics are given for each species. Thus, including these additions, current charophyte flora of the Chelyabinsk Region includes 21 species from 4 genera: Chara (14 species), Nitella (5), Nitellopsis (1) and Tolypella (1). In addition, a species of xanthophytes for the Chelyabinsk Region (Vaucheria dichotoma) was found for the first time. Taking into account the diversity of zonal-climatic conditions and types of water reservoirs in the Chelyabinsk Region, the probability of new findings in the region is high.


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How to Cite
Veisberg E. I., Isakova N. Addition to the flora of charophytes and xanthophytes (Charales, Vaucheriales) of the Chelyabinsk Region (South Ural, Russia) // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 47-54. URL:
Science articles