On the identity of some endemic SW Asian Cruciferae. I. Thlaspi s. l.

  • D.A. German Department of Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University Email: oreoloma@rambler.ru
Keywords: Brassicaceae, Coluteocarpeae, Iran, Noccaea, Noccidium, rare species, synonyms, taxonomy, Thlaspideae, Turkey


Identity of five poorly known SW Asian mustard species is revised. One, Aethionema bourgaei, is proven not to be conspecific with Noccaea oppositifolia and recognized as N. bourgaei, comb. nova. Other four are newly found to be synonymous with what follows them in parentheses: Noccidium tuberculatum (N. hastulatum), Thlaspi inhumile and Th. maassoumii (Noccaea trinervia), and Th. kochianum (Th. huetii). Comments on the type material or typification of some of the discussed taxa are provided where appropriate


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How to Cite
German D. On the identity of some endemic SW Asian Cruciferae. I. Thlaspi s. l. // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 180-187. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/3839.
Science articles