Convergence and parallelism in evolution of structures and functions of ferns and other groups of plants

  • N. M. Derzhavina Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev” Email:
Keywords: adaptatiogenesis, anatomical structures, functional peculiarities, morphological structures


On the basis of own investigations and literature data, the similarity of structures and functions of ferns and unrelated and related species is demonstrated in connection with their adaptation to similar mode of life at the different levels of the organization of plants. Convergence is manifested at the level of organism and organ (similarity of morphological structures: entire fronds and simple leaves; long rhizomes; squamose rhizomes of ferns and imbricate bulbs of flowering plants; tuft biomorphs of ferns and flowering plants; shelters for ants and cups accumulating humus; absorbing scales; “complex” polyfunctional buds of rosette ferns with buds of flowering plants; gemmae of mosses and gametophytes of ferns). Convergence at the level of tissue and cells – is in similarity of anatomical structures: spiral thickening of cell walls in root cortical cells in epiphytic Polypodiaceae and velamen in Orchidaceae; multilayered water-storage parenchyma in fronds, rhizomes, tubers of ferns and an analogue tissue in flowering plants; palmate cells of epidermis and mesophyll in sciophytic ferns and sciophytic flowering plants; pyriform epidermal cells in ferns, selaginellas, and sciophytic mosses; protective shielding structures in fern epidermis). Convergence at the functional level – is in indirect parasitism at the cost of fungal symbiont in some epiphytic Polypodiaceae and in Orchidaceae; CAM photosynthesis in some epiphytic and lithophytic ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms; mycotrophy (mutualistic co-parasitism); poikilohydry.


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How to Cite
Derzhavina N. M. Convergence and parallelism in evolution of structures and functions of ferns and other groups of plants // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 3. P. 64-71. URL:
Anatomy and morphology