Diromma dirinellum and Ocellomma picconianum (Roccellaceae, Ascomycota) in the lichen flora of Russia

UDC 582.293.28(479)

Keywords: biogeography, Caucasus, distribution, ecology, new record, Utrish Reserve


The genus Diromma, represented by the Mediterranean species D. dirinellum is reported for the first time from Russia, based on the materials collected in the North-Western Caucasus in the Utrish Reserve on the Abrau Peninsula (Krasnodar Territory). Additionally, a second Mediterranean species, Ocellomma picconianum, was recorded for the first time in the Caucasus. Both species have a distribution that is primarily restricted to the Mediterranean basin. As in the Mediterranean region, in the Abrau Peninsula, these species are confined to warm habitats on the Black Sea coast, where they grow in sub-Mediterranean communities, in juniper forests, on the trunks of Juniperus excelsa. Descriptions and photos of species are provided, accompanied by a discussion on their taxonomy, distribution and ecology.


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How to Cite
Urbanavichus G. P., Urbanavichene I. N. Diromma dirinellum and Ocellomma picconianum (Roccellaceae, Ascomycota) in the lichen flora of Russia // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 2. P. 52-59 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.2.7. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/15739.
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