Lectotypification and comments on the taxonomic status of Taraxacum pobedimovae Schischk. (Asteraceae: Crepidinae)

UDC 582.998.4:581.92

Keywords: Crimea, dandelion, endemic species, Taraxacum hybernum


Taraxacum pobedimovae Schischk. was previously considered a synonym of T. hybernum Steven. The type of the former species consists of several plants mounted on a single specimen, which were found to belong to two different taxa: typical T. hybernum and the species previously referred to as the pinkish-achened form of T. hybernum. The lectotype of T. pobedimovae corresponding to the pinkish-achened form is designated. Taraxacum pobedimovae differs from T. hybernum by pinkish (not brown) achenes which are longer and with narrower spinules in comparison with those of the latter species. In addition, T. pobedimovae usually has larger and more numerous leaves with prominently purple veins, longer scapes, and larger capitula, as well as a larger and more branched root. The differences between these two species were confirmed by RAPD, ISSR, and SSR markers as well. The length of the achene beak, previously reported as the diagnostic character, is not useful to distinguish T. pobedimovae from T. hybernum.


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How to Cite
Fateryga V. V., Kuluev B. R., Svirin S. A., Fateryga A. V. Lectotypification and comments on the taxonomic status of Taraxacum pobedimovae Schischk. (Asteraceae: Crepidinae) // Turczaninowia, 2024. Vol. 27, № 1. P. 32-38 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.27.1.4. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/15054.
Science articles