New species Veronica × albachii Kosachev (Plantaginaceae) from Southern Siberia and Northern Mongolia

УДК 582.951.64(571.52+571.513+517.3)

Keywords: hybridogenic species, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Tuva, Southern Siberia, subgenus Pseudolysimachium, Veronica


A new species Veronica × albachii (Plantaginaceae Juss.), discovered in the mountains of Southern Siberia (Russia), as well as in Northern Mongolia, is described and illustrated in the article. The species is a hybrid taxon originating from the parent pair of V. incana L. and V. pinnata L. s. l.


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How to Cite
Kosachev P. A., Shmakov A. I. New species Veronica × albachii Kosachev (Plantaginaceae) from Southern Siberia and Northern Mongolia // Turczaninowia, 2023. Vol. 26, № 3. P. 166-172 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.3.15. URL:
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