Synopsis of the genus Achillea L. (Asteraceae) in Kazakhstan

UDC 582.998.2:581(574)

Keywords: Achillea, distribution of species, floristic areas, growing conditions, Kazakhstan, systematics


Revision of the genus Achillea L. in Kazakhstan is carried out based on the available materials of LE, AA, MW, TK, MHA, TASH, KUZ, and KG. Distribution of each species is clarified and presented according to the floristic regions and subregions accepted in the “Flora of Kazakhstan”. Synopsis of the genus Achillea in Kazakhstan includes 15 species and one hybrid. Achillea inundata and A. kuprijanovii are reported for the country for the first time.


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How to Cite
Kupriyanov A. N., Kulemin Y. E. Synopsis of the genus Achillea L. (Asteraceae) in Kazakhstan // Turczaninowia, 2023. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 190-201 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.2.15. URL:
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