The leaf epidermis of Conioselinum longifolium and C. tataricum (Apiaceae, Ligusticeae), growing in Siberia

  • S. A. Volkova G. B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Email:


The leaf epidermis in Conioselinum longifolium and C. tataricum tribe Ligusticeae family Apiaceae has been studied. The plants have hypostomatous leaves, and anomocytic, anisocytic, gemiparacytic, gemidiacytic of stomatal apparatus identified. Sometimes there are diacytic, paracytic and tetracytic stomatotypes. The prevailing stomatal apparatus type is anomocytic. There are several types of stomata on the one leaf at the same time. The main diagnostic features in the studied species are: the number of cells and stomata per unit area, the shape and character of the outline of the epidermal cells and the number of cells adjacent to the stomata. Both types of stomatas surrounded by 36 cells. The most common type is anomocytic stomata surrounding 4 cells. Anomocytic type compiles 75 % of the total number of the stomatas, and C. tataricum has 90 % of the stomatas this type. Stomatal complexes with 6 neighboring cell are very rary. The number of the stomatas and cell per 1 mm2 in C. longifolium is about 1.5 times greater than in C. tataricum. Outlines of the leaf epidermal cells on the adaxial surface of C. longifolium are straight-forward rounded. C. tataricum has a large-winding wall of the cells. There are twisting and waving outlines of the epidermal cell on the abaxial side in C. longifolium, and large-twisting in C. tataricum. Stomatal index differs insig­nificantly. The variability of the characteristics of the leaf epidermis is less average.


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How to Cite
Volkova S. A. The leaf epidermis of Conioselinum longifolium and C. tataricum (Apiaceae, Ligusticeae), growing in Siberia // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 19–26 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.2. URL:
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