Two new species of Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae) from China

  • Ri-Hong Jiang Guangxi Forestry Research Institute Email:
  • Xian-Chun Zhang Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: morphology, new species, Phlegmariurus, taxonomy


Based on morphological study, two new species of the lycophyte genus Phlegmariurus Holub, P. yunfengii R.-H. Jiang et X.-C. Zhang and P. shingianus R.-H. Jiang et X.-C. Zhang from China are described and illustrated. Detailed description, ecology, distribution, conservation status as well as a comparison with morphologically similar species are provided.


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How to Cite
Jiang R.-H., Zhang X.-C. Two new species of Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae) from China // Turczaninowia, 2022. Vol. 25, № 1. P. 129-134 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.25.1.11. URL:
Science articles