The vegetation of western part of the Pronchishchev ridge and the adjacent plain (the Arctic tundra subzone of Yakutia)

  • M. Yu. Telyatnikov Institution of Russian Academy of Science, The Central Siberian Botanical Garden, The Siberian Branch of the RF Academy of Science Email:
  • E. I. Troeva Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS Email:
  • S. A. Pristyazhnyuk Institution of Russian Academy of Science, The Central Siberian Botanical Garden, The Siberian Branch of the RF Academy of Science Email:
  • M. M. Cherosov Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS Email:
Keywords: dryas tundras, nival meadows, swamped tundras, syntaxonomy


The diversity of vegetation in western part of the Pronchischev Ridge and adjacent plain was studied. As a result of performed classification and ordination, five associations have been described, two of which for the first time. In the plain part of the study area the swamped tundras are widespread (ass. Aulacomnio turgidi–Eriophoretum angustifolii ass. Troeva Telyatnikov nova hoc loco). They are confined to flat watersheds. These communities feature both hygrophytes (Carex concolor, Eriophorum angustifolium) and mesophytes represented by mosses (Aulacomnium turgidum, Hylocomium splendens), lichens (Cetraria laevigata, Flavocetraria cucullata) and dwarf shrubs (Dryas punctata). Swamped tundras together with Dryas tundras (асс. Rhytidio rugosi–Dryadetum punctatae Matveyeva 1998 and ass. Cladonio gracilis–Dryadetum punctatae ass. Telyatnikov et Troeva nova hoc loco) form the polygonal tundra-bog complexes. Nival meadows are also characteristic for the studied territory (var. Saxifrago hirculi–Poetum alpigenae equisetosum borealis Cerastium jenisejense var. nov.). They are confined to small river and creek valleys. In the mountain part of the region, the altitudinal zonality is not expressed due to relatively low altitudes (100–150 m) of the Pronchischev Ridge. Swamped tundra and nival meadows are absent there. The vegetation is represented by communities of Dryas and Cassiopa tundras that occupy drained, shallow-snow slopes of mountains. The lower parts of concave slopes are represented by nival tundra-meadows (var. Saxifrago tenuis–Salicetum polarisPotentilla hyparctica var. nov.). Indirect (DCA) ordination showed that nivality and swampiness are the primary factors that determine the vegetation patterns under conditions of the Arctic tundra subzone.


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How to Cite
Telyatnikov M. Y., Troeva E. I., Pristyazhnyuk S. A., Cherosov M. M. The vegetation of western part of the Pronchishchev ridge and the adjacent plain (the Arctic tundra subzone of Yakutia) // Turczaninowia, 2017. Vol. 20, № 3. P. 72-94. URL: