On the presence of Holosteum marginatum C. A. Mey. (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae) in the Crimea
Holosteum marginatum C. A. Mey. was firstly reported from the Crimea by H. E. Grosset in 1977 on the base of his findings in the central part of the Crimean Mountains (Mt Chatyrdag and Mt Demerdji) in 1958. That record was generally either omitted or considered to be doubtful by following florists because H. E. Grosset did not indicate the herbarium where his specimens were deposited. The species was additionally reported for the eastern part of the Southern Coast of the Crimea (Karadag) by Ya. P. Didukh with co-authors in 2004. In the present investigation, the presence of H. marginatum in the Crimea is confirmed due to finding anew of H. E. Grosset’s specimens in herbarium MW and our rediscovering of the species on the Mt Chatyrdag. At the same time, our studying of the relevant specimens deposited in the Herbarium Institut of Botani (Barcelona, BC) shows that the report of this species from Karadag is erroneous. Description and diagnostic characters of H. marginatum are provided with evidence that it is morphologically well recognized species. The species occurs on Mt Chatyrdag in the alliance Androsaco tauricae-Caricion humilis Didukh in Didukh et Mucina 2014 and should be considered to be a native element of the Crimean flora. The nomenclature and the general distribution of the species are discussed. The author of the name H. marginatum is C. A. Meyer but not F. B. Fischer and C. A. Meyer. General distribution of the species includes Russia (Republic of Crimea, Stavropol Territory, and Republic of Dagestan), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Iran. The report of this species from Romania in the Euro+Med Plantbase is erroneous.
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