Aril morphological nature and its function in some Aristolochia, Asarum, Celastrus, Euonymus, Euphorbia, Viola and Taxus
This paper presents the preliminary results of the study of the fruits and fructifications whose seeds have arils. In Aristolochia, Asarum, Celastrus, Euonymus, Euphorbia, Viola and Taxus, through an integrated approach, including morphological, anatomical and biochemical studies, morphology-anatomical structure of arils was established, characteristics of their development were elucidated, morphological nature was verified, features important for taxonomy and phylogeny were identified, functions were expected. Two most popular at this time classifications of the appendicular outgrowths was considered. The approach to arils classification on base of their morphological nature, used by the author, is justified in perspective of trophic links in the fruit. A new type of aril – obturator-aril, which appears in some of Euphorbia species, was offered. It is shown that the morphology-anatomical features of arils, such as its form, morphological nature, the number of layers of cells and the structure of the cells, pointed by the author, can be used as additional features to the systematics issues in Aristolochiaceae and Celastraceae. For example, in Euonymus the aril’s fatty acid composition of triacylglycerols has similarities in sections of the genus. It is suggested that arils are multifunctional structures. Aril functions often change during their development and only in mature fruit, they serve to attract agents for seed dispersal. This points to the appearance of aril as a special structure directly related to nurturing the developing seed, and its subsequent consolidation of the process of evolution as an attractant.Downloads
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