New data on alien vascular plants in Republic of Buryatia
The information about the new locations of Sinapis alba L., Hesperis pycnotricha Borbas et Degen, Armoracia rusticana Gaertn., Mey. et Scherb., Fragaria moschata (Duchesne) Weston., Rosa rugosa Thunb., Impatiens parviflora DC., Viola tricolor L. on the territory of Republic of Buryatia is given. Names of alien plant species are given in accordance with “Check-list of the flora of Asian Russia: Vascular plants” (Konspekt flory..., 2012). The herbarium specimens are transferred in the herbaria UUH and ALTB.
Key words: alien plants, invasive species, Lake Baikal, Republic of Buryatia, East Siberia.
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