1. "Turczaninowia" publishes the original scientific papers and reviews in Russian and English on the following sections: * Systematic reviews and new taxa; * Floristic findings; * Phylogenetics and chromosome numbers; * History of flora; * Criticism and Bibliography; * Research Methodology; * Geobotany; * Biotechnology; * Anatomy and Morphology.
2. The manuscript is submitted in electronic form by e-mail to the address: turczaninowia@mail.ru. In addition to the Article manuscript, the Assignment of copyright with the personal signature of the main author, who corresponds with the editorial staff of the journal, must be attached to the letter.
3. Used word processors: * Word for Windows.
4. Requirements to text: font - Times New Roman; * Text formatted in width, without indentation and divisions of word; * Latin names of the taxa from subfamilies and below should be in italics (it is able to be bold if needed), subheadings of the article - bold, and special symbols (°, hieroglyphs, etc.) –colored.
5. The structure of the article: * U.D.C. - 14 pt, normal; * Title in small letters (in Russian and English) - 14 pt, bold; * Initials and surname of the authors in small letters (Russian and English) - 11 pt; * Affiliation, postal address, e-mail (in Russian and English) - 9 pt, italic (example design in the application); * Key words (in Russian and English, no more than 15 words!) - 10 pt (as key words the words from the title of the work should not appear, as they are key by default); * Abstract / Summary - 10 pt; * the actual text of the article (preferably structured with the use of sub-headings "Introduction", "Materials and Methods", "Results and discussion") - 11 pt; * References - 11 pt; * abbreviated title of the article for the running title. In the case of its absence of the author's version Editorial Board reserves the right to give his version. * Tables with headings (preferably in separate files * .doc, * .docx or * .rtf); * captions to figures; * information about the author (s) in Russian and English languages (surname, first name completely; place of employment, position, postal address, e-mail, phone).
6. Figures (drawings and photographs) should be submitted as separate files (formats * .tiff, * .jpg) with a resolution of 300 or 600 dpi. Tables of the figures should be arranged in proportion to the size of the printed strip (16.5 x 24 cm, taking into account the space for captions) or column (8 x 24 cm). The figures on the tables should be placed as tightly and evenly as possible over the rectangular area, avoiding wide free spaces.
File names should be recorded in the "Captions" in the end of the article, with the icons of the Figures. You don’t need to insert the Figures in the text. All the lines and dots in the Figures should be clearly visible and should not merge by decrease. The numbering or lettering of parts of the Figure should preferably be located in the upper right corner of this part of the Figure.
Photographs and drawings attached to the editor Word are not accepted. The editors have the right not to accept low quality and uninformative photographs.
7. When using abbreviations in the text (except generally accepted - GOST 7.0.12- 2011) should be given their decryption (in the text or in the notes).
8. The References should be given in brackets in the text (surname (in Latin), a year). Cited source page should not be specified. Links to several sources should be arranged in chronological order (Petrov, 2001; Ivanov, 2003; Enders, 2007). The list of bibliography entitled "LITERATURE" is provided after the main text in Latin alphabetical order using the transliteration and / or translation of citedRussian-(Ukrainian-, Bulgarian-,etc.) speaking publications into English. Only those sourcesshould be transliterated that do not have the English (German, French) titles and summaries; the same goes for journal titles. The title of scientific journal in the reference list must match with its transliterated title, which is registered in international databases.
In addition to the transliterated title of the publication,an English translation should be givenin square brackets. In the list of Russian-language manuscripts links to Russian-language articles should be written in the following way.For articles, which do not have abstracts in English (German, French) language, the translation of the author's name, title of the article and the journal into English and transliteration of the journal title should begiven. The Russian versionis duplicatedin round brackets. For journals,whichhavethe equivalent Latin titlewidely used in the domestic literature, but not accepted in foreign sources,it is possible to write this title additionally in square brackets.
The Russian-language version of the source should be made as follows:
* For journal articles and other periodicals the author's surname and initials, the title of his work, the full name of the source, place of publication, year of publication, volume number, issuenumber, page (or pages) should be given;
* For books, monographs –the author's surname and initials, full title of the source, place of publication, year of publication and the total number of pages;
* For digest of articles and conference proceedings – surname and initials of the author, the title of his work, the full title of the source (digest), place of publication, year of publication and pages.
Kulikov P. V. 2005. Konspekt flory Chelyabinskoy oblasti (sosudistyye rasteniya) [Synopsis of the flora of the Chelyabinsk region (vascular plants)]. Ekaterinburg: Geotur. 537 pp. [In Russian] (Куликов П. В. Конспект флоры Челябинской области (сосудистые растения). Екатеринбург: Геотур, 2005. 537 с.).
Ovchinnikova S. V. 2013. The system of the genus Puccinellia Parl. (Poeae, Poaceae): old views and new criteria. In: Sovremennaya botanica v Rossii: Trudy XIII syezda RBO i konferentsii “Nauchnye osnovy okhrany i ratsionalnogo ispolzovania rastitelnogo pokrova Volzhskogo basseyna” [Modern botany in Russia: proceedings of the XIII Congress of the RBS and the conference “Scientific basis for the conservation and sustainable use of plant cover of the Volga basin”]. Vol. 2. Tolyatti. Pp. 53–54. [In Russian] (Овчинникова С. В. Система рода Puccinellia Parl. (Poeae, Poaceae): старые взгляды, новые критерии // Современная ботаника в России: Труды XIII съезда РБО и конф. «Научные основы охраны и рационального использования растительного покрова Волжского бассейна (Тольятти, 16–22 сентября 2013 г.). Т. 2. Тольятти, 2013. С. 53–54).
Davydov E. A. 2001. Annotated list of lichens of western part of Altai (Russia). Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rasteniy [Novit. Syst. Pl. non Vasc.] 35: 140–161. [In Russian] (Давыдов Е. А. Аннотированный список лишайников западной части Алтая (Россия) // Новости сист. низш. раст., 2001. Т. 35. С. 140–161).
Articles with titles (abstracts) in English (German, French) are cited without transliteration in English, and in parentheses in Russian.
Efimov P. G. 2004. Genus Epipactis Zinn (Orchidaceae) in the Russia. Turczaninowia 7, 3: 8–42. [In Russian] (Ефимов П. Г. Род Epipactis Zinn (Orchidaceae) на территории России // Turczaninowia, 2004. Т. 7, вып. 3. С. 8–42).
Efimov P. G. 2008. Notes on Epipactis condensata, E. rechingeri and E. purpurata (Orchidaceae) in the Caucasus and Crimea. Willdenowia 38(1): 71–80. DOI: 10.3372/wi.38.38104
Govaerts R., Bernet P., Kratochvil K., Gerlach G., Carr G., Alrich P., Pridgeon A. M., Pfahl J., Campacci M. A., Holland Baptista D., Tigges H., Shaw J., Cribb P., George A., Kreuz K., Wood J. 2005–2015. World Checklist of Orchidaceae. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. URL: http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/ (Accessed 05 November 2015).
Taxonomy Articles:
German D. A. 2010. (1979) Proposal to conserve the name Odontarrhena obovata (Alyssum obovatum) against O. microphylla (A. microphyllum) (Cruciferae). Taxon 59(6): 1897–1898. DOI: 10.2307/41059890
References to works in print and accepted for publication, if there is a supporting document, are allowed.
If the source cited in the article has the identifier of the electronic document (article) - DOI, then it is indicated at the end of the source.
9. Attention! The volume of publication is not limited (monographs and editions, combining several numbers,could be publishedin agreement with the authors).
10. Latin names of plants should be given according with the newest sources (but not in the case of the understanding ofthe taxa boundaries).
11. Articles published in thesection "Systematic reviews and new taxa" should include the descriptions of new taxa in the language of the manuscript. The publication of materials about new taxa will be done only when the type material come to the editorial office (type or isotype of these taxa), or by an indication that type material is stored in the LE, NS. It means that a type material of new taxa is sent for storage in the following RussianHerbariums: LE, NS, ALTB. If you cannot send type materialto the editorial office, youshould sentthe photographic material. Articles on new floristic findings must be confirmed by herbarium material, which should be sent to the editorial office. In agreement with the editors, in some cases it is sufficient to provide the photographs or scans of good quality.
12. Editorial preparation.
12.1. The articlesapplied to the journal "Turczaninowia" undergo mandatory dual review. The article is given to a member of the editorial board and specialist on the profile of this article (depending on the orientation, the value of information and the volume of the article).
12.2. If the article receivesthe positive review without comments on the content of the article from the reviewer and it is written according with the rules for the authors, the article is accepted for approval to publication. Ifthe article receivesthe positive review, but has comments (non-compliance with rules for authors, comments on the text, etc.), it is sent to the author for revision. After revision by author, the article is given to re-review to specialist. If the article receivesthe positive review, it isaccepted for publication. In the case of a negative review, the article is given to re-review to the other specialist. If the article receivesthesecond negative review, the article is declined or sent to the authors for radical processing taking into account reviewer’s remarks.
12.3. The decision about publication is taken by the editorial board after reviewing taking into account the scientific significance and relevance of the submitted data. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editors sendto authorsa copy of the review or a reasoned refusal.
12.4. The author should return the retreated version of the article to the editor together with the original and the response to comments from reviewer by e-mail no later than 1 month after receiving the review.
13. Article not corresponded with these requirements will not be accepted for publication.
14. The publication isfree of charge.
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Founder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State University".
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