New data on distribution of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) in Mongolia

  • Vladimir I. Dorofeyev Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS Email:
  • Enebishiyn Ganbold Mongolian State University Email:
  • Ulzijchutag Enkhmaa Institute of General and Experimental Biology of ASM Email:
Keywords: botanic-geographical districts, Cruciferae, flora, Mongolia, new findings


At the end of the 20th century the flora of Mongolia was considered very well examined. At that time V. I. Grubov (1982) had summarized its study. However, later it became clear that the flora can be thoroughly supplemented (Gubanov, 1996). In the 21st century, it became apparent that many areas of Mongolia require new, more thorough research, not only for clarifying their species diversity, but also for more specifically defining the boundaries of botanic-geographical districts. The first major attempts to combine all floristic publications were the “Conspectus of the vascular plants of Mongolia” (2014) and the first volumes of “Flora of Mongolia” (2015) prepared by the Mongolian botanists. But even these works show that Mongolia remains an endless region for the search and study of botanical novelties. One of the results of such critical search and studies of herbarium collections and field studies in 2019 is presented in this publication, which expands our knowledge on the distribution of 14 cruciferous species (Alyssum desertorum, Cardamine hirsuta, C. macrophylla, C. dentata, Chorispora tenella, Erysimum sisymbrioides, Meniocus linifolius, Neslia paniculata, Sinapis arvensis, Sisymbrium volgense, S. brassiciforme, S. loeselii, Thellungiella mollissima, Turritis borealis) and taxonomic position of Alyssum desertorum and Thellungiella mollissima.


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How to Cite
Dorofeyev V. I., Ganbold E., Enkhmaa U. New data on distribution of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) in Mongolia // Turczaninowia, 2020. Vol. 23, № 4. P. 83-87 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.23.4.8. URL:
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