Genetic diversity, genetic structure and differentiation of Siberian larch populations in the Urals

  • Yulia S. Vasilyeva Perm State University Email:
  • Yana V. Sboeva Perm State University Email:
  • Svetlana V. Boronnikova Perm State University Email:
  • Nikita V. Chertov Perm State University Email:
  • Nadezhda N. Beltyukova Perm State University Email:
Keywords: abscisic acid, genetic diversity, ISSR-markers, Larix sibirica Ledeb, populations, resin acids, Larix sibirica Ledeb.


We studied 10 populations of Larix sibirica Ledeb. located in the Urals. They are characterized by high rates of genetic diversity (P95 = 0.951; HE = 0.202; ne = 1.471). An analysis of the genetic structure of the studied L. sibirica populations showed that the population subdivision index (GST) is 0.297, most of the genetic diversity of the ten studied L. sibirica populations is concentrated within the populations (70.3 %). The studied populations of L. sibirica are differentiated into four groups in accordance with the altitudinal-latitudinal zonality of the studied region. The results of a study of the genetic structure of Siberian larch populations, carried out using various methods (STRUCTURE 2.3.4, analysis of the main coordinates – PСoA, SAMOVA 2.0) confirm the division of ten studied L. sibirica populations into mountain ones (Ls1, Ls2, Ls6), foothill (Ls9, Ls10), Plain North Ural (Ls3, Ls4, Ls5) and Plain Central Ural (Ls7, Ls8). However, the genetic identity of the nine studied L. sibirica populations has been proven using the STRUCTURE program. The smallest genetic distance was observed between the populations Ls3 / Ls4 (DN = 0.028) and Ls1 / Ls2 (DN = 0.034), the largest one (DN = 0.263) was observed between the populations Ls8 and Ls9. Genetic distance does not always reflect the geographical location of the populations studied. In some cases,  populations located at a greater geographical distance from each other (Ls1 and Ls10) were closer on the dendrogram than spatially close ones (Ls1 and Ls3). The study of the genetic diversity and differentiation of populations of coniferous plant species is important for studying the content of their resin acids under different growing conditions, including the content of abscisic acid characteristic of L. sibirica in trees with different genotypes. 


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How to Cite
Vasilyeva Y. S., Sboeva Y. V., Boronnikova S. V., Chertov N. V., Beltyukova N. N. Genetic diversity, genetic structure and differentiation of Siberian larch populations in the Urals // Turczaninowia, 2020. Vol. 23, № 3. P. 67-82 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.23.3.7. URL:
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