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  • G. A. Nam RSS «Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction» KS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan Email:
  • B. L. Yermekova RSS «Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction» KS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan Email:


Key on the basis of the host plant taxonomy, symptoms of the infected plants and microscopic features of fungi was composed for identification of powdery mildews of the Kazakhstan. Features, which were used for identification of fungus, were the number of asci in cleistothecium, the number of ascospores in ascus and the type of appendages of cleistothecium. Key was composed for 81 species and 25 variations of Erysiphales fungi, infecting 739 species of host plants, which belong to 305 genera.


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How to Cite
Rakhimova E. V., Nam G. A., Yermekova B. L. KEY TO THE POWDERY MILDEW SPECIES ON THE BASIS OF THE HOST PLANT FAMILIES AND GENERA // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 16, № 1. P. 176–196. URL:
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