Lichen communities of Сladonia oxneri Rass. on man-made moving sand dunes in West Siberian northern taiga subzone

  • V. V. Koneva Biological Institute of Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia Email:
  • N. N. Lashchinskiy Central Siberian Botanical Garden of Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Email:


The process of vegetation restoration on anthropogenic moving sand was studied in northern taiga of West Siberia. An origin of these landscapes and their influence on natural vegetation were discussed. An importance of different species of higher vascular plants, lichens and mosses in sand dunes stabilization was shown. Unusual communities dominated by lichens with few specimens of high vascular plants were described. The main dominated lichen in these communities was Cladonia oxneri Rass. – species previously described only from typical tundra on Yamal peninsula at least 350 km north from studied area. An area covered by single Cladonia oxneri community is about few hundred square meters. These communities occurs periodically at the edge of sand dune areas together with more common communities of Polytrichum piliferum.


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How to Cite
Koneva V. V., Lashchinskiy N. N. Lichen communities of Сladonia oxneri Rass. on man-made moving sand dunes in West Siberian northern taiga subzone // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 77–82 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.1.10. URL:
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