New records of aquatic plants on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district – Yugra

  • N. L. Pankova Yugra State University, Tyumen region, HMAO-Yugra, v. Shapsha Email:


During the field work in the HMAO – Yugra 8 new species of aquatic plants (Scirpus tabernaemontani, Typha laxmannii, Ceratophyllum platyacanthum, Lemna gibba, Lemna turionifera, Potamogeton wolfgangii, Potamogeton heterophyllus, Potamogeton coriaceus) and two hybrid (Potamogeton × angustifolius and Typha × glauca) was noted. Three species (Lemna gibba, Ceratophyllum platyacanthum and Potamogeton coriaceus) are found for the first time in Siberia.


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How to Cite
Pankova N. L. New records of aquatic plants on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district – Yugra // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 17, № 1. P. 66–68 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.1.7. URL:
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