Potentilla ancistrifolia (Rosaceae) in the Far East of Russia

  • T. A. Rubtsova Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Birobidzhan, Russia Email: ecolicarp@mail.ru
  • V. V. Yakubov Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Institute of Biology and Soil, Vladivostok, Russia Email: Yakubov@biosoil.ru


The data on the first finding of Potentilla ancistrifolia Bunge s. str. (type variety) on the territory of Russia, in Jewish Autonomous Region, are reported. Distinctive characters and the data on distribution of the closest Far Eastern relatives, P. ancistrifolia Bunge var. dickinsii (Franch. et Savat.) Koidz. and P. tranzschelii Juz. are specified.


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How to Cite
Rubtsova T. A., Yakubov V. V. Potentilla ancistrifolia (Rosaceae) in the Far East of Russia // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 17, № 2. P. 53–60 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.2.8. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/648.
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