Crystals in the cypselas of Asteraceae species

  • E. V. Boyko G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia Email:


There are results of morphological, anatomical and SEM studies on the cypselas of 48 species of 30 genera belonging to 7 tribes of the Asteraceae family. The carpological research has revealed several types of crystals (large solitary ones, small numerous ones, druses and raphides) in the cells and the intercellular spaces of various tissues of the cypselas pericarp and in the cypselas pappus scales. This is the first time that the crystals have been recorded in the cypselas of the following species: large solitary crystals in all the cells of the exocarp (Anacyclus pyrethrum, Pyrethrum poteriifolium, Helenium aromaticum, H. autumnale, Gaillardia aristata); large solitary crystals in all the cells of the endocarp (Gaillardia aristata); large solitary crystals in the cells of the basal part of the pappus scales (Balduina multiflora, Gaillardia aristata); small numerous crystals in many cells of the exocarp (Argyranthemum pinnatifidum); small numerous crystals in all the cells of the exocarp (Psilostrophe bakeri); small numerous crystals in many cells of the exocarp (Baileya pleniradiata); druses in the cells of exocarp (Gynura aurantiaca, Pyrethrum parthenifolium, Synedrella nodiflora); druses in the cells of the carpopodium (Stokesia laevis). The obtained data can be used in taxonomic alignments within the Asteraceae family.


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How to Cite
Boyko E. V. Crystals in the cypselas of Asteraceae species // Turczaninowia, 1. Vol. 17, № 3. P. 60–71 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.3.7. URL:
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