Polyphyly of chloroplast carriers: where do plants are located on the “tree of life”?
Current data on the macrophylogeny of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes are considered and the position on the tree of life of Plantae is discussed. It has been shown that eukaryotes carrying a chloroplast surrounded by a double membrane, originating directly from cyanobacteria, are located on two branches of a phylogenetic tree that are distant from each other. One of these branches, called super-group Archaeplastida, is represented by land plants (Embyophyta), as well as green (Chlorophyta), red algae (Rhodophyta), and glaucophytes. Amoebas of the genus Paulinella, located on the phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes among the species of Rhizaria, acquired the primary chloroplast as a result of an independent act of symbiogenesis that took place relatively recently – 90–140 million years ago. The simplest chloroplasts, surrounded by three membranes, appeared as a result of the symbiosis between the eukaryotic cell and the eukaryotic green or red algae, which already had a primary chloroplast. Secondary symbionts with chloroplast, derived from the green alga, appeared in evolution at least two times: in the lines of Euglenoidea and amoeba Chlorarachniophyta, the green algae that turned into their chloroplasts are also different. Eukaryotes possessing secondary chloroplasts derived from red algae are widely distributed in nature – half of Protozoa, representatives of all clades, except Amoebozoa and Opisthoconta, have them. It is assumed that the secondary symbiosis with the red algae could occur in the common ancestor of all these groups, after which there were numerous acts of loss and acquisition of secondary chloroplasts. Tertiary chloroplasts surrounded by four membranes are the result of a symbiosis between a eukaryotic cell and a cell with a secondary chloroplast.
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