Morphology of epicuticular waxes on the seed coat surface in the tribe Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae)

  • V.O. Romanova Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Email:
  • T.I. Kravtsova Komarov Botanical Institute RAS Email:
Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, cuticle, ecology of species, epicuticular waxes, seeds, Silene, Sileneae, systematics.


The morphology of the surface wax structures on the seed coat of 74 species from 24 genera of the tribe Sileneae DC., Caryophyllaceae Juss. (by classification of N. N. Tzvelev, 2001) was studied using SEM for the first time. The main morphological wax types were revealed such as grains, prismatic crystals (solitary or aggregated in druses), rectangular plates and rods, mainly compound and forming stacks or a disordered groups, round and oval plates, conglomerates of different wax types. Small grains and prismatic crystals are the most common, the last one is found in 11 genera, 21 species. The abundance of wax deposits found in Coccyganthe flos-cuculi (L.)Fourr.,Lychnis wilfordii (Regel) Maxim, Melandrium dioicum (L.) Germ., Oberna behen (L.) related with their morphological diversity, a set of morphological types of wax, their mutual location, the predominance of a particular type being a species-specific feature. A comparison of the results with the molecular data, since the work by Oxelman and Lidén (1995), showed the absence of prismatic wax crystals on the seed coat in the monotypic basal clades and their presence in the representatives of all genera of Viscaria-group (Atocion Adans., Minjaevia Tzvel., Viscaria Bernh.), Lychnis-group (Coccyganthe (Reichenb.) Reichenb.,Coronaria Guett., Lychnis L.) and some genera of terminal Silene-group (Melandrium Rohl., Oberna Adans., five sections of Silene s.str.). The treatment of seed surface with organic solvents (hexane, ethyl ether) gave different results among species. Besides, the prismatic crystals and rounded plates are found to be dissolved with different solvents. It is shown that the presence of structured wax on the seed coat surface, as well as the number and shape of wax deposits are associated not only with the systematic position of the taxa within the tribe, but also with ecology: large amount and considerable morphological diversity of epicuticular waxes were found in species confined to wet habitats.


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How to Cite
Romanova V., Kravtsova T. Morphology of epicuticular waxes on the seed coat surface in the tribe Sileneae (Caryophyllaceae) // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 164-184 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.1.16. URL:
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