Lichen flora novelties of Kabardino-Balkaria
Based on the results of short field works in July 2018, data on new and noteworthy species for the lichen flora of the Central Caucasus are presented. The specimens were collected in the Baksan River valley, Elbrus district, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, mainly in the vicinity of the village Bylym in the Bylym intermountain arid basin of the Severo-Yurskaya (North-Jurassic) depression between the Bokovoy (Lateral) and Skalistyi (Rocky) Ridges, and in the vicinities of Elbrus and Azau settlements near the foot of the south-eastern slope of Mount Elbrus. In the present paper, 22 species are reported as new for the lichen flora of the study area. Candelariella blastidiata is reported for the first time for Caucasus, Agonimia opuntiella, Gyalolechia lenae, Lecidella laureri and Physconia perisidiosa are new to Central Caucasus. Another 14 species (Anaptychia bryorum, Caloplaca percrocata, Endocarpon adsurgens, Hyperphyscia adglutinata, Lecania suavis, Lobothallia alphoplaca, Muellerella pygmaea, Peltula euploca, Pertusaria flavicans, Phaeophyscia orbicularis, P. sciastra, Punctelia borreri, Thallinocarpon nigritellum, Xanthomendoza fallax) are newly reported to Kabardino-Balkaria. The genera Hyperphyscia, Lecania, Muellerella, Peltula and Thallinocarpon are new to the lichen flora of Kabardino-Balkaria. Information about localities, ecology and Caucasian distribution of all mentioned species is provided.
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