The genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in the Perm Territory flora

  • A.V. Chkalov Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Email:
  • D.V. Pakina Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod Email:
Keywords: apomicts, check-list, key, lady’s mantle, typification.


79 apomictic species of the genus Alchemilla were revealed in the PermTerritory. After comparing the data presented with the lastest checklist of the regional flora, it was found that two species (A. alpina and A. filicaulis) should be excluded. For 11 species (A. amphipsila, A. argutiserrata, A. confertula, A. decalvans, A. leiophylla, A. litwinowii, A. nemoralis, A. orbicans, A. psiloneura, A. rigescens, A. semilunaris), which were erroneously included to the checklist previously, the presence in the flora was confirmed. 27 species (A. altaica, A. auriculata, A. bungei, A. cheirochlora, A. consobrina, A. denticulata, A. exilis, A. exsculpta, A. exul, A. glomerulans, A. haraldii, A. integribasis, A. kemlensis, A. lessingiana, A. longipes, A. macroclada, A. malimontana, A. mininzonii, A. obtusiformis, A. omalophylla, A. pseudocalycina, A. schmakovii, A. stichotricha, A. subcrispata, A. tichomirovii, A. trichocrater, A. vorotnikovii) were recorded in the flora for the first time. An original key for their identification was constructed. For each species a nomenclature citation, information about type, on their occurrence, preferred habitats, regional and common distribution are presented. Lectotypes were designated for: A. argutiserrata, A. baltica, A. conglobata, A. cymatophylla, A. heptagona, A. irregularis, A. juzepczukii, A. lessingiana, A. longipes, A. nemoralis, A. orbiculata, A. perglabra, A. pycnoloba, A. sibirica, A. stellaris, A. substrigosa. The extremely high species richness of Alchemilla in the region can be explained by the role of the Urals as the center of speciation, as the migration route for Siberian species, and by the anthropogenic factor.


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How to Cite
Chkalov A., Pakina D. The genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae) in the Perm Territory flora // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 77-110 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.1.9. URL:
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