Ecology and diversity of petrophytic plant communities in the Chulyshman river valley

  • M.A. Polyakova Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS Email:
  • M. Valachovič Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: Altai, ordination, petrophytic communities, screes, steppes.


Overview of cenotic diversity of petrophytic communities within middle and lower course of the Chulyshman river is presented in the article. All petrophytic communities were included in two classes, two orders, three alliances and five associations and one new subassociation. Class Artemisio santolinifoliae–Berberidetea sibiricaeErmakov, Chytryet Valachovic, 2006 is represented by communities of screes and rock outcrops. Class Cleistogenetea squarrosae Mirkin et al. 1986. includes Central Asian steppes. Environmental and topographical features of conditions and features of the floristic composition of communities were described in detail. Floristic composition was analised and, moreover, groups of specific species for each classes were identified. The DCA ordination demonstrated ecological peculiarities of petrophytic vegetation and conifirmed reasonableness of units. Axis 1 was explained as factor of features of rocky substrate structure. All communities were divided into several groups at the associations level from rock outcrops Grossulario–Spiraeetum to screes of Elytrigio–Artemisetum and steppes communities (Galio–Dendrathemetum, Saussureo–Spiraeetum). Axis 2 was explained as factors of moisture and richness of the badrocks at the alliances level with gradual transition from petrophytic steppes on rock outcrops to mobile screes. Gradual transition between communities of screes, rock outcrops and petrophytic steppes is observed due to presence of the group of obligate petrophytic species (Orostachys spinosa, Sedum hybridum, Artemisia santolinifolia, Youngia tenuifolia, Elytrigia geniculata, Gypsophila paniculata, etc.) which exist in the each classes.


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How to Cite
Polyakova M., Valachovič M. Ecology and diversity of petrophytic plant communities in the Chulyshman river valley // Turczaninowia, 2019. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 42-60 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.22.1.6. URL:
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