The anatomical structure of leaf in species of Hedysarum L. sect. Gamotion Basin. in South Siberia

  • N.A. Karnaukhova Central Siberian Botanical Garden Email:
  • O.V. Dorogina Central Siberian Botanical Garden Email:
  • I.Yu. Selyutina Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Fabaceae; Hedysarum; idioblast; mesomorphic and xeromorphic characteristics; South Siberia; stomata; the anatomy of the leaf; the cells of the palisades


The anatomical features of the structure of the leaf blade were used to trace the adaptation of species of the Hedysarum L. section Gamotion Basin. to different growing conditions in South Siberia. On the example of H. consanguineum DC. and H. theinum Krasnob. it was revealed that in high gradient habitats heliomorphic features were enlarged: size of plants and leaves was reduced; the thickness of the lamina, ply palisade mesophyll, height of palisade and epidermal cells, number of stomata and total idioblast were increased. It was revealed that the anatomical structure of the leaf species of the Gamotion section occupying different ecological niches in the mountains and intermountain basins of southern Siberia had undergone similar changes in the process of adaptation to modern conditions of growth. The plants of H. neglectum Ledeb. from the forest belt and of H. alpinum L. from the foothill plains in drier habitats had the same changes as the Alpine species in the high-altitude gradient of habitats. The increase in the thickness and volume of the leaf blade, the total volume of idioblasts, the number of rows and height of palisade cells in the structure of the leaf in species of the Hedysarum section Gamotion can be considered as important biologicaladaptations to extreme conditions of growth in South Siberia.



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How to Cite
Karnaukhova N., Dorogina O., Selyutina I. The anatomical structure of leaf in species of Hedysarum L. sect. Gamotion Basin. in South Siberia // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 4. P. 150-160 DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.21.4.15. URL:
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