Paeonia × dmitrievae (Paeoniaceae), a new nothospecies from Adjaria (South-West Georgia)

  • I.N. Timukhin Email:
  • Kh.U. Aliev Email:
Keywords: Adjaria, interspecific hybridization, new nothospecies, flora of the Caucasus


The description of Paeonia × dmitrievae Timukhin et Kh. Aliev is presented in the article. The nothospecies was discovered on Didvake mountain of Shavshat Ridge in Adjaria (South-West Georgia) on the beginning of June 2017. Parents are Paeonia macrophylla (Albov) Lomak. and P. caucasica (Schipcz.) Schipcz.


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How to Cite
Timukhin I., Aliev K. Paeonia × dmitrievae (Paeoniaceae), a new nothospecies from Adjaria (South-West Georgia) // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 51-54. URL:
Science articles