The Meruliaceae of Russia. II. Panus

  • I.V. Zmitrovich Email:
  • M.A. Bondartseva Email:
  • L.G. Perevedentseva Email:
  • A.G. Myasnikov Email:
  • A.E. Kovalenko Email:
Keywords: basidiomycetes, broadleaf wood-associated fungi, merulioid fungi, modifications variability, Russia


The history of taxonomical study of the genus Panus Fr. (Meruliaceae, Polyporales, Basidiomycota) is considered. A current revision of the genus in Russia was carried out. Two species of the genus Panus were recorded in various regions of Russia, Panus conchatus (Bull.) Fr. and P. lecomtei (Fr.) Corner. For P. conchatus, the lateral ecotype with conchiform pileus and rather dark wine-red to lilac-brown surface is more characteristic. Two main deviations from such a neutral type were described: 1) the chromatic one, characterized by light-colored (red or clay-yellow), usually conchiform pilei [P. conchatus var. inconstans (Pers.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko] and 2) the growth one, characterized by a central (often bulbous) stipe, funnel-shaped cap and strongly inrolled margin [P. conchatus var. torulosus (Pers.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko]. For P. lecomtei, the ecotype having small eccentric to lateral elegant stipe is considered. However, the stipe shape and size are variable. The stipe can be either central – rather small, with a bulbous base [P. lecomtei var. semirudis (Singer) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko], or strongly elongated [P. lecomtei var. stipitata (Malk.) Zmitr., Bondartseva, Perevedentseva, Myasnikov et Kovalenko]. Four new combinations, P. conchatus var. inconstans, P. conchatus var. torulosus, P. lecomtei var. semirudis, and P. lecomtei var. stipitata were suggested. It was concluded that Panus represents rather well-delimited genus belonging to merulioid phylogenetic radiation, whose morphotype on essential features of its organization is trametoid, but superficial habitual features make it closer to the lentinoid one. Its essential features are the abundance of fibrohyphae which form textura intricata, slowly growing basidiocarps and strictly lamellate hymenophore. Apparently, such an adaptive structure was generated at arid and warm climatic zones, and only 2 species, P. conchatus, and P. lecomtei, have been irradiated into temperate latitudes. The substrate spectrum of these fungi is determined by their insensitivity to substrate moistening and best ability to colonize hardwood, so the greatest number of their finds can be made on stumps and large remnants of stand-formers of corresponding forest areas. In Russia, a reliable association of Panus species to Betula spp. and Populus spp. was revealed. An ecotypic differentiation of the genus Panus is related to the quality of substrate colonized. The basidiocarps, growing over top cuts of the stumps, are characterized by strong central stipe (P. conchatus var. torulosus, P. lecomtei var. semirudis), whereas basidiocarps with sublateral attachment are common on fallen logs. Certain chromatic adaptations (P. conchatus var. inconstans) are associated with an insolation regime of the habitat. During last years, the Panus representatives have attracted an interest in biomedical research development. Their resource potential estimation should proceed from the fact that within Russian territory, such areas as Middle Belt of European Russia, North Caucasus, Altai and other regions of Southern Siberia are promising for replenishing the strains of P. conchatus and P. lecomtei.


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How to Cite
Zmitrovich I., Bondartseva M., Perevedentseva L., Myasnikov A., Kovalenko A. The Meruliaceae of Russia. II. Panus // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 3. P. 29-44. URL:
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