Review of indigenous conifers of the Russian Islands of the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)
New data on diversity and distribution of indigenous species of conifers (Picea, Juniperus, and Pinus), as well as their hybrids and forms, on the Russian islands of the Gulf of Finland are presented on the base of extensive field investigations and thorough morphological study of herbarium specimens. The authors’ research made it possible to identify 9 native conifer taxa on the islands. For the first time Picea obovata Ledeb., Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., J. niemanii E. Wolff., and Pinus friesiana Wichura were found on the islands of the Gulf of Finland. A new hybrid Pinus × subfriesiana L. Orlova et Glazkova nothosp. nov. (Pinus friesiana × P. sylvestris) is described. Juniperus sibirica is recorded in the North-Western Russia only on these islands, and J. niemanii is found in the NW Russia only on the islands and the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. For the first time a synopsis of native conifers of the islands is given as well as ecological and phytocoenotic charactericstics of the species. The distribution analysis of 9 indigenous conifers and their forms was carried out. It was shown that a number of taxa, in particular Picea fennica and Juniperus niemanii, has much wider distribution in the NW Russia than it had been previously supposed. It was suggested by the authors that the process of introgressive hybridization, actively going on the islands of the Gulf of Finland, leads to a smoothing of characteristics of some taxa, for example, Picea fennica and Juniperus niemanii.
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