Type specimens of the names of the genus Mertensia (Boraginaceae) taxa in collections of the sector of Siberia and Far East in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)

  • О.D. Nikiforova Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS Email: Nikiforovansk@yandex.ru
  • L.M. Raenko Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS Email: LRaenko@binran.ru
  • I.V. Sokolova Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS Email: isokolova@binran.ru
Keywords: Boraginaceae, Herbarium LE, herbarium specimens, Komarov Botanical Institute, Mertensia, nomenclatural types, typification


The article contains the information on type specimens of the names of 12 taxa of the genus Mertensia (Boraginaceae) kept in the sector of Siberia and Far East, Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE), including 4 holotypes, 7 lectotypes (Lithospermum rivulare Turcz., Mertensia jenisseensis Popov, M. longistyla Ledeb., M. nivalis Kom., Pulmonaria pilosa Cham., P. stylosa Fisch., Steenhammera serrulata Turcz. – all designated here) and 6 isolectotypes, 1 epitype (Mertensia jenisseensis Popov, designated here) and 2 isoepitypes, and 5 syntypes. Type category, text of the original label, and the protologue quotation are cited for each specimen. Notes contain brief characteristics of the specimens and reasons for assigning them to a certain category of type. Some lectotypes were labelled as such by R. V. Kamelin in the collection; when we agree with his choice, then we give him credit for designating those types. 


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How to Cite
NikiforovaО., Raenko L., Sokolova I. Type specimens of the names of the genus Mertensia (Boraginaceae) taxa in collections of the sector of Siberia and Far East in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 117-132. URL: http://turczaninowia.asu.ru/article/view/4195.
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