The leaf epidermis of endemic species Ligularia alticola and L. calthifolia (Asteraceae), growing in Russian Far East

  • S.A. Volkova G. B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Biioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • P.G. Gorovoy G. B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Biioorganic Chemistry, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: adaxial and abaxial surface, epidermal cell, leaf, Ligularia, stomata


The epidermis of leaves of Ligularia alticola and L. calthifolia (Asteraceae) from the Primorsky Territory are investigated. The studied species have amphistomatic leaves; anomocytic, hemiparacitic and hemidiacitic types of the stomatal apparatus are revealed. The predominant anomocyte type of stomata on the abaxial side of the leaf constitutes approximately 90 % of the total number of stomata in both species. The most common is the anomocytic stomata in the surroundings of 4 and 5 neighboring cells. In L. alticola, dentotypes with 5 adjacent cells is more common than the stomata with 4 neighboring cells. For L. calthifolia, more stomatal complexes with 4 neighboring cells were noted than with 5 cells. Stomatotypes with 6 surrounding cells are 2.6 times larger in L. alticola than in L. calthifolia. The number of stomata and cells per 1 mm2 in L. alticola on both surfaces is approximately 1.5 times more than in L. calthifolia. The outlines of the epidermal cells of the upper side of L. alticola leaf are rectilinearly rounded and slightly sinuous, L. calthifolia has sinuous walls. On the lower epidermis, the outlines of cells are sinuous-wavy in L. alticola and coarse-sinuous in L. calthifolia. The main diagnostic features in the studied species are: the number of stomata and cells per unit area, the shape of the cells of the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface, the size of the epidermal cells, and the number of cells adjacent to the stomata. The results of studies of the epidermis of leaves of L. alticola and L. calthifolia are the supplement information on the distinctive characteristics of the alpine and nonalpine species and confirm the species status of the studied taxa.


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How to Cite
Volkova S., Gorovoy P. The leaf epidermis of endemic species Ligularia alticola and L. calthifolia (Asteraceae), growing in Russian Far East // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 78-85. URL:
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