Structure of capsules with prickly appendages of the species of Euonymus section Echinococcus (Celastraceae)

  • I.A. Savinov Moscow State University of Food Production Email:
  • E.V. Solomonova Moscow State University of Food Production Email:
Keywords: capsules with spinous (spiny, prickly) appendages, Celastraceae, Euonymus, fruit, pericarp, section Echinococcus, seed, spermoderm


The article presents a detailed study of the structure of fruits and seeds of 6 species of the Euonymus section Echinococcus, with spinous (spiny) appendages on its fruit-capsules. Common characters for all studied species are followed: round shape of capsule, the presence of spines on surface of mature capsules, degree development of parenchymal layers in pericarp (especially in the spines area), the presence of derivates of conducting bundles in spines, relatively small embryo in seed, a few-layers spermoderm, usually with large exotestal cells. The species differ by peculiarities of surface of the capsule (in particular, the shape and size of the thorns), the number of locules in the mature fruit, the number of cell layers in pericarp and spermoderm, the topography of the individual tissues in pericarp and spermoderm. For all species studied in the area of thorns on the anatomical sections compact prolate or rounded the conductive bundle derivates (“skeletal veins”) and small parenchymal cells around that form the anatomical skeleton of each spine are marked. Some of these cells are abundantly filled with phlobaphenes or contains druses crystals of calcium oxalate. These characters may be use for species identification in closely related groups. The authors join the opinion of specialists on the existence of two independent phylogenetic lineages in evolution of the genus Euonymus, in the representatives of which two types of outgrowths (spines and wings, respectively) are formed on the surface of their capsules: section Echinococcus from subgenus Euonymus and subgenus Kalonymus


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How to Cite
Savinov I., Solomonova E. Structure of capsules with prickly appendages of the species of Euonymus section Echinococcus (Celastraceae) // Turczaninowia, 2018. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 188-197. URL:
Science articles